🍌🌳💰Memes, Money & Mayhem fueled $MAD-ness.🌳💰🍌

13 min readMar 9, 2024


Come argue w/ yourself about what the heck is going on
w/ all this MeMe stuff… Is it More than meets the eye?
…. or are we just seeing double?
Another MadBananaUnion exclusive article.

Hop in … !!!! Lift Off is Soon . Yes were going to space , NFA you FOO !!!

The CockPits are loaded, Come aboard.
From Rocks to Shells;
then onto Memes w/ Rocket ships … that shed all shells …
Free Rides for BananaBrainz & Cheap Rides for Baboony-Bafoons….

Today, we explore the heart of Banananomics inside a Magically Maddenning Land of Banana’s Born with Smooth Smol Brains….

Open Edition Money Chewing Banana Face …. only on the internet is this okay.

Always written by crazy humans …
never Ai, the GPSneezers or the Rogue ChatROTs …
we are only allowed to use our BananaBrainz on deez articles….
and write wiff our mindz….

Ai is certainly cute,
it tickles our feast of fanciness somtimes, for Certain things,
but here in the MadLands; where wit and smarts, determine your status….
writing and being weird, AND staying informative …
These methods retain high regarded status, in the King’s Peel, on the Queen’s Kneel, and w/ King Arthurs Yellow Squisky Sword ;-)

Cyborgs have weird stuff in their pockets … never ask them about it.. no one knows why, even them ….

Okay, Lets Begin …. hold on tight for this one… Its been a phat minute since the last Blog, and were berry RILED UP … LFYo !!!

SO now, you say, MEME’s are money…?
Aaahh, well you dont say….
Pleaes tell me your not saying what was said…
Oh you are ? Mmmm well our Minds are Open,
mostly becuz theyve all been broken…
“First you tell me a Rock is worth more than my car …
ya know, BananaBuddy, Ser, I really dont know bout you…”

The minds of the bananas with brainz, are colorful. very colourful

After that episode you then went onto a totally wacky but wise wIdiom Rant about outdated sayings that only the fringe, writing the cringe, would understand ….. Money Doesnt Grow on Trees, you mocked this Fact …

saying that how ‘fkin trees are the money itself, and gives birth to very much alive things, that costs money, the things made of the thing, that gives us things to eat, things to sheet, and songs fore the e-L33T …

AFter aLL that BananaBrain Ache, and BananaBarrel talk,
Now, NOW you are onto this BatSh!T
MemeSh!T Banter about Frogs, Dogs, Cats;
Bats, Bananas and smelly heaps of hot ApeShit ?!?!

“Got Money in Mouth, Bananas on my Brain, Im already $MAD, so then I went inSANE” — BananaBruceWayne.eth

Oy Vei, My oh My …. Really…
What are you Smokin’, do we have to remind you …
… Banana peels, actually do NOT get you high ….
Butt Bet dem Bananerz B stoked your Tokin’ up
buying all Deez Nutty ToKeNz … while shellin’shills & goin’ Nutz.

Everyone is Exclaiming
and ProClaiming “MemeCoins are the Future”
They’re ‘worth’ more than Space Rocket Companies.
Now YOU TOO, sit be4 us, twiddling your thumbs;
shwindling your Buds … w/ a straight ass face,
1/2 well shaved, and the other half drawn
w/ a marker and smeered gypsies tears
to hide that sneely peely smirk ….

Hop in … !!!! Lift Off is Soon . Yes were going to space , NFA you FOO !!!

Extra Extra READ all about it”
Problem is, (well for the readers) is that this industry cant actually read …. they smell the Headlines with their Sniffer and SNOUT,
Never Reading Wut all this BatSh!T, cray cray is all ABOUT

Now as we heat up, and stay Turnt down
every 4th sentence,
theres a Smell,
thats lurking,
murkin mofos,
lit up lyke a dense row of brightly dimmed GasLights….
witch, light up @ Dawn while going dark at @ Dusk …
equipped w/ only BatShit, a MeMe-Kit, and Quill, inked up with dat CornStink, the Banana Daddy, messed up, and was Not very aPEEL-ing,
yet again …. he still wants to feel fame, seal shame, that poor Lame Ducks lives just inside their Faux Fake Ass Game … never calculating Shame,
butt always pumping nomially, never polynomially;
Math will never be the same…..

Blink just a wink … &
your earned yearning for the minutes;
15 set in FaMe;
is BUTT a shame, only going down w/ Flames;
destiny fueled by a fierce maimed daze, for unREALity.

The Golden AGE, was the passerby;
that once shined bright;
we only noticed when the 1st DogCoin was first in sight,
a BITe off the Chain, meant for just a Game;
those doggies that wont feel any Pain,
of grinding for that gain, building for that Fame,
while shining thru the Lame… that Money is no longer Money,
its so disgustingly a Shame !!!

Attention is the only Real Valued Game;
as an ole BananerBrain wonders …..
if these rules, full of non-cents,
was done in a total sense,
ordered to mend their poor Defense.
U C …
Money isnt Money anymore ….
its turned merely into a GAME…
REAL Value, comes from Attention;
a Mean Machine w/ a Keen Fein for the next Shiney and Sheen:
Getting the Cherry on Top, but never ever eatin’ the Creame.

You see… fellow MadLandian ….
The Thing is ….
Somtimes … Very simple things …
create magically fantastic outcomes…

The Internets has all unlocked these potentialities
and unchained fast velocities of the viral memories, thru all this MeMery.

Then, of course then theres this $MAD money thing
that we keep talking about…
You are tru a trooper for making it this far, in the article, in the blog series, and most importantly in this Market, we salute you bear market warriors, & hope you all get what you deserve, and what youve worked for since 2020/2021, in all seriousness, that was some tough shit to trudge thru but we made, hand in hand, peel on peel….

For more Market Cycle Talk visit one of our classics, posted on the first actual day of the Bull Market … TheMarketCycle

$MAD money comes w/ real utility
and a functioning, active and alive, real economy…

Currently there is 95,000,000 $MAD tokens in the ecosystem, so we are 10% of the way to our total supply cap of 1,000,000,000 $MAD Tokens….
We dont have mining, we Dont have token unlocks, we dont have ANY shenanigans, $MAD is created by delivering value adding actions to the ecosystem, thru many avenues … you get $MAD from the Faucet, only every 12 hrs, only if you send the command in the correct channel.

You can only keep your recurring rewards, if you keep up on the recurring tasks required to verify that Role Reward.

We are actively developing tools that automagically verify, allowing all participants (even non-holders, newbies, team members, minters, alike) an easy, straightforward, self-perpetuating sustainable system to attain ecosystem utility, as well as MadBananaUnion PfPs and other game items from the system.

1 unique thing (there are MANY) is that we ALL have to get $MAD in the same way, be being rewarded for contributing…. optimizing, and creating a fair distribution method, a promotional engine that runs on autopilot, which is all tied directly to the the OG MadBanana’s Digital Collectible Avatars, which are only available from the secondary market…

THESE features of our commodity currency … proudly disqualifies us from being in the MemeCoins sector … Our beloved and functional revolving door $MAD-ness; is in Stark contrast over the aforementioned and glorified Goof-Poopery Token Show ….

$MAD @$$ dollas
keeps on keepin on,
going round and round …
makin’ dis world turn right side up
and upside down,
taking those clowny frowns;
whipping them sidewaze,
ridin all deez waves,
upto Alpha, right thru the 2 dah Gamma… !!
We take the faucet serious, everyone drinks, but you only get your thirst quenches …..
No one is able to get any $MAD unless they
!collect your verified actions;
and !work in the MadBanana Fields….

!collect, and !work are the ONLY way $MAD gets created …
even the MadLab runs out of $MAD somtimes;
BUT instead of taking a play out of the “JPowell SuperBowl Can Kickin’ blueprint”, the $Mad-Lab-Scientists vemedly ignores these tactics and says NO NO NO to any money printing …. $Mad-Lab Promotion $MAD to spread around, comes soley, and only from the exchange of $MAD from users, from MadBananas in the Vault.

IF we were to just create an endless, and perpetually inflating supply …. well OBVIOSULY that would break the whole economy system, not tomorrow, not next week, but in a month or a year, and were not going anywhere, so we PAUSE, without applause …. ~~!!~~

Bananas Flow along w/ the Ebbs;
going w/ the flow of the go, and ump of the Show …. life works in the same way, within cycles, productivity, and progress, and working on one thing at a time, must also go in cycles …
no one is above the macro,
so why play games?

Those that play timing games, clearly never figured out the real game;
sostand tall, atop a canopy of Can Do’s and Not Yet’s ….
SLOW-Go, is always better than No-Go … the Hastey Wasters may look like theyre going faster and are better off, but they’ll lose it as fast as they got it …..

We are proud of our MeMe-ish NoN-MeMe Coin — $MAD, and we think taking our time, building each piece slowly and surely, (since August 2021) is super duper good thing for everyone involved, and even those just watching and learning how to do things right


So what then is all this $MAD-ness; if it makes so much sense, you ask?

The MadBananaUnion doesn’t JUST moon boy nor ONLY moon girl;

In our world …..
attention is deemed a high valued asset ….
And MeMes, with their short form thesis’s and truth fueled humour these Genes of the Human Collective Organism quickly became the gold standard of scaling attention…

Any who, do what you want, were not your Mom …
but don’t come crying to the BananaBabies,
or even your BlueHaired Mommy …
when the FrogDogs inevitably dump barrels of steamy shit CoRns
rite on dat Shiny Combed Dome of YouRs

Rite on target, smack DaB … in dat smelly pile of attention, disorder, disEASE, & false hopes of finding anyone in it for the tech…. heres an idea … if you make millions on memes, come help us build a digital nation…. If you want in the cool club, give us your meme coins … to help support more entertaining education that rewards you for just being here !!!

Foundations for Win-Win-Win solutions…. !! #WAGMI is real.

Enter the realm of the MadBananaUnion, where chaos reigns, memes are the currency, and logic takes a backseat faster than a banana peel sliding on a cartoon sidewalk.

The Union stands at the intersection of virality, attention, business incubation, brand building, character development, and those sweet, sweet internet eyeballs — the true currency of the digital age.

With a rock in one place and a hard place in another, the MadBananaUnion doesn’t have to choose because it’s everywhere, everything, and everyone. It’s not just a meme; it’s the culture, not a fad but unfaded, not a trend but your FREN!

or is it ? memba how virality, attention, and those sweet sweet internet eyeballs were the real money? mmmm so here we stand …. with a rock in one place, and hard place in another ….

as you ponder all this …
remember the words of the MadBananaUnion, The internet’s true currency isn’t in the math or the mayhem but in the virality, attention, and those sweet, sweet internet eyeballs.

The Bananas are Hungry.

Inside the wacky world of the MadBananaUnion —
where reality is subjective,
subjects are objects,
and objectively is subject to MadNess.

The MadBananaUnion doesnt pick sides,
The Union is everywhere;
The Union is everything;
and The Union is everyone …

were not a meme, were the culture,
were not a fad were unfaded,
were not a trend, were your FREN !!!

So, here we are, questioning the very fabric of reality,
wondering if a rock is worth more than a car.

We’re not just talking rocks; there is also much certain about the existential crisis of assigning (or not assigning rather) appropriate value to trees…. we’re left pondering if we should start counting leaves, on our balance sheets ….

Your rollercoaster ride doesn’t stop there, tho …. in the midst of madness, mayhem, and memery, the MadBananaUnion invites you to join the chaos, ride the wave, and embrace the absurdity.

After all, in a world where memes are money;
and attention is the true value;
who needs rationality anyway?

Money? Oh, that’s so yesterday.
Attention is the true currency.
Forget the tangible green bills; it’s all about the intangible buzz of the internet. As we dive deeper into the rabbit hole, we come to realize that the simple things, like a cat wearing sunglasses, or a frog with a catchy slogan, and god forbit ADogWiffaHAT …. can create economic miracles.

MadBananaUnion has adamptaly proclaimed themselves as MORE than memes — (thats doenst mean, were not a MeMe, surely weve been MeMe-ing ….. but we are a culture, a force to be reckoned with….

This Blog may almost be Done;
BUTT our Banana Name rightly proCLAIM
the never-ending RiDe; Shirley just beGUN,

Sound off thoze Caps & Fire up the Yaps;
it is now thyme to Water your trees;
Grab a bucket of Troop Goop,
Go — in-and-out, Slopped w/ Beeps and Boops
the sound of a Lean and Mean Troop with Coins made of Poop !!!

The Rhymes ran deep,;
Our Kind is worth the Keep,
as we bid you adue;
when we meet again,
the Cow will be Jumping over the Moo Moo.

In the end, the MadBananaUnion stands proudly,
exclaiming that we are not a mere meme
but the culture itself.
Not a fad, but forever unfaded….
& we aint no trend, but were ALL your FREN.

So, embrace the $MAD-ness;-) !
As we have learned, in a whimsical world,
the real treasure is the experience;
in the sheer absurdity, as our earth levels up….
We better Catch da PHuCK up !!!

Mention this article in our Discord General Chat
and receive 20,000 $MAD (that is 2% of a MadBanana…. save upto 1,000,000 and you can redeem, exchange, trade-in those $MAD stacks, for real onchain NFTs, Access Passes, IRL tickets, Merch, Social Perks, Other communities NFTs, and Game Play and items to use across the metaverse and beyond.

Discord Invite Link — Gain Access Now

Did you Enjoy this article?

Embrace the $MAD-ness and plug-into
the @MadBananaUnion’s unique Eco-system,
called the #Mad-Lands, a Gamified DISCORD Economy.

Start catching your DRiPS of $MAD straight from the #MadMoneyFaucet, & quickly gain the capacity to redeem your rewards in the #MadMoneyStore.

Redeem your earnings for unique offerings of goods and services from the #MadBanana community and its wide variety of supporters

$upporting the Efforts of Citizens of the Globe
You can easily support ‘The UNION’ by sending
ETH, USDC, BTC, or any ERC20 based altcoin.



Use the Ethereum Network:
Thank you for considering a donation to our community.

Want to get involved?
Plug into the Discord …
How many idioms/sayings did you spot?
Tell us!!

Official LINKS

-Community Discord Server

-Main Website Hub

BananaBase — Member DataBase

-Side.xyz (web3 linktree on steriods)

-Opensea [Collection Pages… Buy #MadBanana Assets]

-Linktree (‘ole faithful’)

-Official MadBananaUnion Merchandise(fast shipping)

-Zealy.io — Quests — Earn $MAD, GROW Bananas

-DAOs — One Dao Token is auctioned off on Coinbase’s BaseChain, DAILY

-SnapShot — Voting System — Follow Along — Vote — Make Proposals

-SubReddit — WE Love Reddit — Help us Build

-XTwitter — join the Social Media Mob



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