The Art, that brought us ALL together

12 min readOct 16, 2023


Featured in this week’s #MadBananaMonday Blog post…
we will be show casing the Original art of Charles Decru;
along side the content engine of the MadBananaUnion.

We will feature as much digital art in this post as we can,
so it may be a little long, but we are focusing on the visual this week.
This will help you form a connection with these Bananas, as we have.

Still be careful whilst staring at them straight on though ….
as they have been known to look deeply back at you…
Just take note when you get to the point that they talk to you;
THEN there is no turning back!! ;-)

Building a supportive NFT community

The Mad Banana Union is here to stay, we have survived some of the lowest blows that can be dealt, and yet, here we stand. In fact, were not standing, were sprinting toward the Mo0o0o0o0oN && FFS, we are going to land this ship on the lunar surface, once & for all. Who’s coming along? hop in, yo.

In this article, we will mix Art with Words to give you a taste of our style. our vibe, our tribe, and what life is like within the Walls of the Union.

Embrace the $MAD-ness @ the MadBananaUnion


Wen the World went ApeSh!t ; We went Bananas~!~

Be Apart of NFT History and Join the UNION, OnChain. Come Bid in the daily DAO auction for one of these Melting Bananas, on Coinbase’s BASE CHAIN.
OG Characters. Each a Representative of their world, collectively and individually.


The second Collection of Bananas was the MadBananaSpecials Drop. If you owned 5,10, 20+, or more, then you qualified for the special treatment, and were given a BabyBanana, & a Peeled Banana.

For those super Peeled & BatSh!t Crazed, there was one more round of classic bananas that Decru was further commissioned to finished, directed by the “Former Founder“.

These Bananas tell many stories, and have many more to tell, some stories we have yet to hear….. All in All … Who REALLY knows what will come out of the wood work?? …. If history has any clue, we got a fun ride ahead.

The MadBananaUnion is a very Large and Unique place full of characters you would of never thought even existed. ;-)

No way an opportunity like this would slip thru our Peels again; so we CARPE DIEM-ed our A$$’s OFF~!~

We have been bringing our A-Game & the bad news is for the Apes, because we do not intend to stop …. ANYTIME SOON, or ever, Really.
We MadBananas, are ALL Kings of our Own World…. so Global Domination remains on the Menu ;-P

Tap in, Plug in, & Buckle Those BananaButts Up

Let’s EMBRACE the $MAD-ness, & continue to shine.

Get hooked into whats going on in the one and only MadBananaUnion DISCORD. You can earn your very own MadBanana in a few weeks to a month, just by showing up, vibing, posting, and getting involved with the community, the operation, and help us build out one of the most unique organizations on the BlockChain. Share this Blog Post for #MadBananaMonday and you’ve already banked 2% of a MadBanana. 20,000 $MAD = 2% of 1,000,000. The $MAD-MoneyLab has designed a special system that has been chugging along for 13 months now, and its working better than expected. Many economic theories were taken into account when designing this crypto-economic foundation, but it extends far beyond the token. Tap in and find out what everyone has been GOING BANANA’s over….

So where are we going next ? Well we have been building out the locations, the Lore, and doing a massive dose of business development over the past 18 months.

MOST of our prototypes are ready for the big time, in so we chug forward into the $MAD-Ness, all the way to the Light @ Tunnel’s END.

That being said, there is a bunch of building blocks that will be incorporated in the next iterations of releases…..Use your imagination, after all, its all we really have;if you cant imagine your future then what are you doing?

Join the Discord right now !!
There is always something going in the $Mad-Lands.
Jump in on the fun … We Promise it wIll Bee aPEEL’ing .. !!

After All…. The Absolute Best way to Predict the Future is to CREATE-IT-YOURSELF…. That being said; if any of you have an idea, an ambition, or a hunch … come tell us & we will help you make it into a reality…

Banana Go Boom Boom
RING RING BANANA PHONE !!! The Alpha is Calling. Are you Going to Pick it up?! or just Stare at it ?!

The last section of Images are the FIRST MadBanana Prototypes. ….. We will be going much DEEPER into this specific story a bit later in our journey but wanted to plant the seed here now …

Hollywood probably couldnt even dream up a story like this, the details of this saga are far beyond any FICTION, &thats a FACT !! ;-)

MADBANANA #0 ……………………….…..………….…………MADBANANA #0 ………………….…..…………….……………. MADBANANA #0
Feeling alittle bit SKETCHY this October ? Tehehe . Us too…. ;-}
Yoooooo, Do You Even Know What a #BananaBlunt is, BRO?! … Well … Do Ya?!
Whos the Hero? Victim ? Both ? Neither ?………. This was the first variation hench, MadBanana #1 . Come to the $MadLands directly & Explore creative writing. ~!~Come create a Banana Bio-File for the TEAM~!~

$upporting the Efforts of Citizens of the Globe
You can easily support ‘The UNION’ by sending
ETH, USDC, BTC, or any ERC20 based altcoin.

Use the Layer 1 Ethereum Network (ERC20)
Gnosis Safe Community Wallet Address:
YOUR SUPPORT will help us develop.
Thank you for considering a donation to our community wallet.




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