Art is not a Security. We Like the Art.

You Bought Art, You did NOT buy a company.
8 min readJul 8, 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of digital assets, there is often confusion between buying art and investing in securities. This distinction is crucial for value investors who aim to make informed decisions in the marketplace.

Stay Focused, remember your ‘why’, and never give up.

As a value investor, understanding the fundamental differences between purchasing the floor of a project and investing in it is key to navigating the digital landscape effectively.

When you buy art, you are acquiring a unique, non-fungible asset. Art holds intrinsic value based on its creativity, rarity, and the reputation of the artist.

What is Money, Anyway?

Unlike securities, art does not represent ownership in a company or entity. It is a tangible asset that can appreciate over time based on market demand and the artist’s evolving significance. This distinction is vital for value investors who seek to diversify their portfolios with unique assets.

Investing in securities, on the other hand, involves purchasing stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments that represent a stake in a company. These investments are fungible, meaning they can be exchanged or sold in the market.

Lickity Split

When you invest in securities, you are essentially providing capital to a company in exchange for potential returns through dividends, interest, or capital gains. This type of investment is regulated by financial authorities and carries specific legal and financial implications.

Buying the floor of a project refers to acquiring assets at the lowest available price within that project. For value investors, this strategy can be A-peeling as it offers the potential for significant appreciation if the project gains traction.

Oh you Want Magic?

However, this does not equate to directly investing in the project. Direct investment involves providing capital to the project’s creators or developers, often in exchange for equity or a share in future profits. This type of investment is more akin to venture capital or private equity.

It is important to recognize that purchasing art or digital assets within a project does not mean you are “investing in them” in the traditional sense. True investment requires providing funds directly to the creators to support their endeavors, without the immediate expectation of a fungible return.

Its Binary. Simple 1’s or 0's

This distinction helps value investors understand their position and manage their expectations accordingly.

The digital age has introduced new forms of assets, such as NFTs (non-fungible tokens), which blur the lines between art and securities. NFTs represent ownership of digital art, collectibles, and other unique items.

Be coooool. and when in doubt, zoom out, and smoke a toke, tell a joke, and relax, ‘man’ (or woman).

While they offer exciting opportunities for value investors, they also require a deep understanding of their nature and the market dynamics. Educating oneself on these nuances is crucial for making informed decisions.

Many new entrants into the digital asset space may not fully grasp these distinctions. It is essential for experienced value investors to share their knowledge and guide others in understanding the difference between buying art and investing in securities.

Whats your bid ?

This educational approach can help create a more informed and resilient investment community.
Since January 28th, 2021, the landscape of digital assets has continued to evolve, with new projects and opportunities emerging regularly.

Staying updated on market trends, regulatory changes, and technological advancements is critical for value investors aiming to capitalize on these opportunities while mitigating risks.

Study up, or go away.

Understanding the distinction between buying art and investing in securities is fundamental for value investors in the digital age. While both offer unique opportunities, they require different approaches and considerations.

By educating oneself and others, value investors can navigate this complex landscape with confidence and clarity, making informed decisions that align with their investment goals.

Fluid, solid knowledge is the New World Power.

Embracing this knowledge will empower value investors to effectively participate in the digital asset space, leveraging their expertise to identify promising opportunities and avoid common pitfalls.

As the market continues to evolve, maintaining a clear understanding of these distinctions will remain a cornerstone of successful investment strategies.

In the wild, wild world of NFTs, there’s often a bit of monkey business going on, and sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re buying a banana or investing in a banana tree plantation.

Get in the CockPit. Strap in and Go Bananas!

As a value investor swinging through the digital asset jungle, it’s crucial to know the difference between buying art and securities.

When you buy digital art, like those infamous Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs, or the world famous Mad Banana Union Characters …. you’re essentially picking a Banana (or an Animal) off the tree.

Each goofy picture is a unique, non-fungible token (NFT) with its own flair, whether it’s wearing a captain’s hat or chomping on a cigar.

Smirk it up

Unlike securities, which represent a stake in a company (or a tree, to stick with our analogy), your snazzy ape is a standalone piece of digital art. It’s like owning a banana that may ripen and become more valuable over time based on demand and the artist’s reputation.

On the other hand, investing in securities is more like buying shares in the entire banana plantation. Here, you’re looking at stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments that are as fungible as a bunch of bananas. When you invest in securities, you’re giving capital to a company in exchange for potential returns.

Licker? I dont even know ‘er.

You might get dividends (think of them as banana slices) or capital gains (a whole new bunch of bananas). This type of investment is regulated by financial authorities, ensuring you don’t end up with a bunch of rotten bananas.

Now, buying the floor of a project, such as the cheapest Bored Ape available, is like snagging the greenest banana in the bunch. Value investors often find this strategy appealing because that green banana might ripen into a golden opportunity.

Haggle the Baggle of Biznanas. Line up, and get your money ready.

However, buying the floor doesn’t mean you’re “investing” in the project like a venture capitalist would. Direct investment is more like providing the fertilizer and water to grow more banana trees, expecting to share in the future harvest.

In the NFT world, saying you’re “investing in them” because you bought an ape is like saying you’re an investor in Dole because you bought a barrel of bananas.

How do you peel a Barrel of Bananas? 1 Peel @ a Thyme.

True investment involves providing capital directly to the project creators, supporting their growth without an immediate expectation of a fungible return. This distinction helps value investors avoid slipping on the proverbial banana peel.

The digital jungle has introduced all kinds of exotic fruits, with NFTs being the latest craze. Non-fungible tokens represent ownership of digital art, collectibles, and other unique items.

Its Dark Jungle Out There.

While they offer exciting opportunities for value investors, you need to know your bananas from your monkeys. Educating yourself on these nuances is crucial for making informed decisions and not ending up with a jungle of shenanigans.

Many newcomers to the NFT jungle might not fully grasp these distinctions. It’s essential for seasoned investors to guide the newbie apes and help them understand the difference between buying art and investing in securities.
This way, the whole gaggle can make smarter, more informed decisions, avoiding any monkey business.

Since swinging onto the scene on January 28th, 2021, the NFT landscape has seen countless projects bloom and wither. Keeping an eye on market trends, regulatory changes, and technological advancements is crucial for value investors who don’t want to end up as the butt of a monkey joke.

This speaks for itself.

Knowing the difference between buying art and investing in securities is fundamental for navigating the NFT jungle. While both offer unique opportunities, they require different approaches.

By staying educated and sharing your knowledge, you can help ensure the entire jungle thrives, avoiding any slip-ups along the way.

The only true Union of Web3. The Neural Network of the Financial Internet

Embrace this knowledge and use it to swing confidently through the digital asset trees.
With a clear understanding, you can spot the ripe opportunities and avoid the rotten ones, making sure your investments are as fruitful as possible.

And remember, in the NFT jungle, it’s not just about having the biggest banana, but knowing what to do with it!

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  • NFTs
  • Digital art
  • Bored Ape Yacht Club
  • Mad Banana Union
  • Value investing
  • Securities
  • Non-fungible tokens
  • Digital assets
  • Art investment
  • Crypto collectibles

